I've decided that this week I'm not going to care about what I eat or even think about working out. I'm just going to enjoy all those sinful things that I have not been able to indulge in the last several months...
Well, this morning, I was sick as a dog! My tummy was UPSET. I guess the Mint Mocha Iced Coffee was just a bit too sweet first thing thing this morning. Its momentary pleasure for a price. These last few days have been anything but "clean". Chik-fil-a, ice cream, popcorn, chips and salsa, root beer, margaritas, etc... It hasn't been pretty. I think the plan is to totally gross myself out so that I'll go running back into clean eating and exercising like a fool!
I believe that the point of this break is to just spend a few days not thinking about it all. I've spent the last several months measuring, timing, counting, cycling... its been a lot and its been very intense! Obviously, these first few days off training are a little rough, and I'm stuffing myself full of foods and treats that I wouldn't have dreamt of eating two weeks ago (or rather, I did dream of them, but never allowed myself!) I'm not going to totally go back into eating like this 24/7 and put 50lbs back on, but I do believe its healthy to just take this break for the week.
This weekend, I'll start planning ahead and setting some new goals. For now though...I think I'll make myself a bowl of cookies and cream ice cream :o)
Good for you! You totally deserve a break!! :)