
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Mommy Guilt

Today we celebrate our daughter's 8th birthday.  We are visiting family in Seattle, WA this week and decided to make it a little family vacation.  My daughter thinks it is wonderful to be traveling on her birthday.  This morning, I geared up and decided to take a short run through downtown Seattle.  It was GORGEOUS.  Nothing like the Annapolis, Maryland muggy mornings we've been having. 

While on my run, I was thinking about my baby girl and thinking about how much my life has changed and how even more recently (these last few years) how I've really made my own health and happiness a priority.  I've heard so many moms say that they don't have time to work out; they are exhausted from raising children; they'd rather spend that time with their family etc.  I'm not going to lie and say that I've never been ridden with the "mommy guilt" and fallen victim (or martyr) to the "woe is me; there is never any time for me" mind set.  The truth is, moms have to take care of everyone...but who takes care of mom? 

So back to my run this morning.  I ran down by Pike's Market, at least it was the shell of Pike's Market; the vendors were gone, the streets were empty, but you could smell all the bakeries and small restaurants as they were gearing up for their day.  The air was crisp, the town smelled sleepy and new, I had 100% peace that my children were at the hotel with my husband while I was relishing in this time to myself. 

Does this make me a bad mother?  I don't think so.  When I got back from my run, I immediately went to weight room in the hotel; I knew my family was ok.  I lifted weights; my normal routine; and felt revived to have that time to renew my spirit and shake the travel fog.  My husband took the kids down to the hotel restaurant while I showered and dressed.  Once I finally sat down to breakfast with my family, it had been a full 2 hours since I had seen them.  I was rejuvinated!  I was cheerful!  My workout complete, I'm set for the day and we are all happy to see each other.  I didn't feel that I sacrificed any of my time, and therefore my time with them felt precious, sacred, nothing to distract me...

Let go of the mommy guilt friends!  Take care of you!  Give yourself the time you need to replenish yourself; fuel your body and mind and prepare to give yourself to your family!   Just food for thought.  Drop the guilt and pick up some free weights :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I've been a terrible blogger...

I've been terrible at keeping things current and up-to-date.  It's far too long since I've given updates, so I'll keep this brief...

On June 2nd, I ran my half-marathon!  WOW!  Talk about exilerating!  It was amazing!  I cannot thank my friends Heather and Kathy enough for all the training and sticking by my side as a new (slow) runner! 

The race was hard, but it was fantastic!  I had the best time and I'd totally do it again!  In fact, I'm running 13 miles this Sunday; not even in a race! 

Here is something I wrote after the race:

Saturday’s race was amazing. It was a really tough course, lots of hills, great scenery, and awesome company (ran with my two running buddies) We ran a 10.5 min mile steady and I felt really strong. About 4 miles (mile 5-8) of the run was on a slant, and I think it put a lot of pressure on my left side, my knee and hip flexor were really hurting after the 9 mile mark. I took an Advil at 7.5 miles and it didn’t take long until I was feeling much better.

At 12.5 miles (I can’t believe I made it that far!) I got a HORRIBLE cramp in my right ab. I was running with my arms up trying to catch a breath and really focused on getting long deep breaths, stretching my stride and keeping a steady pace while getting heart rate down. Once I could see the finish line though, I didn’t even realize I was still cramped and the adrenaline just kicked in and finished strong. It was pretty emotional for me. Another check off my bucket list! Disney Marathon 2014 here I come! LOL!

In other news, I finished up my largest Biggest Loser contest at the end of June.  My winner lost almost 40lbs and I could not be more proud!  I have a couple people that have dropped a lot of weight, over 60lbs some of them!  I'm impressed and inspired!

In July, I started a Biggest Losers Bootcamp.  We are just into week 2 and it's really going well!  The group is relatively small (25 contestants) and they have challenges every week!  Everyone is working extremely hard, and while the challenge is only 8 weeks total, I think they will all see huge results!

So there's my update.  I really need to be better about keeping up with the blog :)


Today I was asked the question of whether or not I ever get frustrated with my journey.  Most people think that this has been easy for me.  Here was my answer to her:

There are definitely times when I have been in a "funk". I would miss workouts, be only at 50% or less, be grumpy, unmotivated, t...ired, etc. I also get a sweet tooth, or a carb overload and sometimes I skip eating all together. Sometimes, I get burnt out. I get tired of measureing/weighing/counting. I get tired of getting up and going to workout…

Just this morning, I overslept and missed my workout. I'm not beating myself up though. My body is tired. Missing one workout, even a week of workouts (although I don’t recommend it if you’re just starting out), does not equate to failure. It is only when you don’t lace those shoes back up and get back out there when you’ve really quit…so as long as you get back on it, you’re still in the journey.

You have to view each day as part of your fitness journey; your life. Every day of our lives is not easy. We have ebbs and flows and trials and tribulations. It’s only the sum of all efforts (good and bad) that give us the final result. Know what I’m saying? A bad day, a bad week, a bad month, does not make a bad life.

My fitness journey hasn’t always been about my weight and my looks either. Some of you don’t know me well, but the truth is 3 years ago, I found myself unhappy, overweight, struggling with my business, my marriage, motherhood, etc. I was STUCK. IN. A. RUT. Absolutely miserable with myself and everyone around me and just clawing to get by at life; ugly but true. When I hit the bottom, I looked around and saw what I really had, and let me tell you this WE ALL HAVE SO MUCH TO BE THANKFUL FOR. Then in November 2011, I received yet another lesson. My dad died tragically. So young and still so much life to live.

So over the last few years, I’ve learned a lot; about who I am, the life I want to live, the example I want to be to my children and the person I want to be to others. I’m not perfect, nowhere near it, but I definitely take every single day of my life as a gift.

I get mad. I get depressed, I get frustrated, demotivated, you name it. I’m human. I’m a working mother, a daughter, a sister, a wife, a friend. I’ve learned to cut toxicity out of my life as much as possible. I’ve learned when to step back and let others make their mistakes and even better, let them show me that by trusting in them they won’t fail (like that one Jessica?) I’m a huge control freak and I’m learning to let go of that which I cannot control nor change.

No, none of this came naturally. Actually it all came very UNNATURALLY. I have worked so hard and made it a daily goal and a daily habit to get up and put one foot in front of the other. Because the truth of it is, NO ONE WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU BUT YOU. I don’t mean you can’t rely on others, God knows there have been a handful of people that have really been there for me; but people can only support you. You have to make the choices to be a better you.

So, don’t mean to get on a soap box, but you asked Yes, I’ve gotten frustrated with my weightloss journey, but when you focus on just being a better YOU…it all works out. One day of frustration does not break you. Look at yourself, your own worth and decide what you’re willing to invest in. If you don’t invest in you…who will?

I hope that made sense.  I tend to ramble when I get emotional :)