
Monday, July 19, 2010

Support leads to Success!

I had the best time this weekend with 4 of my closest girlfriends. We spend two days at my beach house; no kids, no husbands. It was really a wonderful weekend spent by the pool, chit chatting and catching up with each other.

I will admit that this was an especially hard weekend to be socializing as I'm one who associates food with social gatherings. My girlfriends noshed on desserts, candies, pasta, bread, etc. and it was difficult for me to resist. I held steady and didn't break temptation; when it was just too difficult to bear I would allow myself a small bite, but overall I stuck to the plan without fail. I did have a couple emotional breakdowns, but I think I did very well relatively speaking.

The topic of diet and exercise came up on numerous occasions and I could feel that my girlfriends were starting to feel motivated about their own weight loss, health and fitness goals. Together, we started an online forum where the five of us could check in and discuss food, exercise, and meal planning while giving each other support and encouragement.

We're on day 2 of the online forum and its really taking off! We're checking in, asking each other questions, giving advice and helping to keep each other accountable. I know that with the support from one another, we will all reach our goals successfully!

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