
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Making Health a Priority

When you think about your day, there are some things that you do without fail.  Those are your habits.  You get up, get ready for your day, go to work, or start working on your projects at home.  You have your routine.  Your life.  When you make your health and fitness a priority, that becomes your life as well; it becomes part of your routine.  

Every week I have to grocery shop for my kids' school lunches.  I plan, I purchase and I prep.  It's not always fun, and sometimes I'm scattered, rushed and feeling stuck, but it gets done becuase my children need a packed lunch.  Why do I do it?  Well, because I HAVE to.  It's a necessary.  It is part of our life.  Well, meal prep and lunch prep for myself and my family is equally important.  I take away the variable that I can "just go out to lunch" or "I'll grab a quick bite while I'm out".  I make it a plan.  I make it a priority, a NECESSARY for me to do the same plan and prep as I would for my children.  

Every day, I brush my teeth.  Why?  Well, because it's healthy; it's necessary; it's part of my routine.  I don't say, "oh, I don't feel like brushing my teeth today" or "on Monday, I'll start brushing my teeth again".  It just doesn't work that way.  I know the difference between 3 minutes of brushing teeth and 30 minutes of exercise is a little different, but the concept is the same.  I exercise because it is healthy; it is necessary; it is part of my routine.  I get up, I brush my teeth, I wash my face, I get dressed, I work out, then I get ready for my day.  That's my routine.  Sometimes, it doesn't always work out in that order, and I have to make time to get the exercise to fit some place else in my schedule, but 90% of the time, I can carve time out of my day to get that part of my routine done.  

Everyone has 24 hours in a day.  I do not live in some magical vortex where I get extra time to exercise.   I have small children that require a lot of my time and focus.  I run my own business, I organize and mentor weigh loss challenges, I volunteer in my community and I still manage to have a social life and find downtime.  I'm not trying to sound all "high and mighty", but my point is I make time for things that are a priority to me.  We ALL do.  We just have to make sure our "wants" are not taking priority over our "needs".  Bottom line, HEALTH MUST BE A NEED.  Without your health, you have nothing.

Are you having trouble making time?  Let's review our schedules.

1.  Write out your schedule and routine.
2.  Are there things in there that are unnecessary?
3.  What are you spending the majority of your time doing?
4.  Is it necessary to spend that much time?
5.  Do you have 30-60 minutes where you could fit in time to exercise?
6.  Do you have idle time?  (Facebook, Candy Crush, Television, Talking on the Phone, etc)
7.  Recognize your time wasted.  What are your "time suckers"?
8.  Reprioritize.  

If you'd like more help in setting a schedule/routine, feel free to message me at 

Remember, you don't FIND time for your priorities, you MAKE time.  

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