
Monday, October 28, 2013

Motivation vs. Habit

Well, I am four weeks into my training and I will be honest...this morning was ROUGH! It was cold, I am sore, I had a busy busy busy weekend, and when the alarm went off at 4am I just could have thrown the biggest adult fit humanly possible. I DID NOT WANT TO GET UP. But, I did. Unfortunately, I had a mediocre at best workout, came home and crawled back into bed and finally peeled myself up again to get kids ready for school.

But then as I started to get ready, something magical happened.  A pair of pants I just bought last week were too big, I feel lean...I looked in the mirror and my skin looked so fresh (I get terrible cystic acne when I don't eat clean) I didn't have any blemishes, my face looked radiant. I put on a sweater and I could see tiny little caps on my shoulders showing that I am becoming more defined. I noticed RESULTS today.

Normally, on sluggish days, my go to is XL coffee and some sort of heavy carb; which is totally the WRONG thing to grab! Instead, I grabbed my XL coffee (hey, don't judge!) and a protein shake followed by my favorite egg white omelet (spinach, chicken, feta and onion). I'm on track today. I'm sooooo glad I got that workout in and now I won't feel so guilty when I sneak in a nap later.

My point. It's hard. It doens't always feel good in the moment, but if you want results, you've got to put forth the effort! My workout wasn't great, but it happened. I let my body move through the motions and sometimes THAT IS OK!  Motivation leaves you at times, but developing healthy habits will sustain you!

Make this week GREAT!!!! xoxoxo

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