
Sunday, August 5, 2012

The scale is not the end all be all...

In my most recent "Biggest Losers" challenge I had them take body measurements.  For so many of the challenges I have seen people stuck at a certain number on the scale, regardless of their exercise and nutrition discipline.  I don't live with these people, nor do I work out with them or prepare their meals, but I have to believe that for the months on end that they have been working out and eating relatively better than what they were doing previous to the challenges there have to be SOME changes!  So, like I said, this challenge, I had them take body measurments. 

Four weeks, halfway, into the challenge, we remeasured and I have to be honest...the truth shall set you free!  LOL!  No really, every single person, regardless of how many lbs lost, if any, had lost inches!  1-2 inches was the norm, but some really lost INCHES, like 2-4 inches in their waist, hips, arms and thighs (God knows all us women want to lose inches in our thighs!)  Seeing these changes in measurements, I believe, really helped affirmed all their efforts.  It can be so frusrating to work week after week after week and see no change on the scale.  Do I know why this happens?  No clue.  I admit, even I get fixated on the scale.  But the really proof is in the pudding (what does that even mean?)  You cannot deny that your body is changing when you're clearly losing inches. 

So pay attention to the non-scale victories:

Clothes fit looser
Measurments are changing
your body is stronger
you can run longer
people tell you that you look like you've lost weight
you feel healthier
you enjoy exercise
you are more active

Don't let the scale dictate how you feel about yourself.  It is like's just a number and as long as you're doing the best for your body, the rest will work itself out!

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